Premiere – SOLD OUT!
Dance Performance of the TanzTangente
lines in spaces * bodylines * timeline
„Whos am I, where am I going und how much time have i left?”
(Blade Runner, Ridley Scott).
What are the means of future, presence and past for people of different age?
Dancers aged 17 till 80, with very different dance biographies, meet on stage.
A dance evening, confronting with tabus and stereotypes … humorous, poetic, moving.
Artistic director: Nadja Raszewski
Dancers: Leanore Ickstadt, Iris Richter, Camilla Przystawski, Sunia Asbach, Christina Wüstenhagen, Lea Svenja Dietrich, Emma Lusena Ash, Johanna Jörns, Johannes Schuchardt
Installation/Projection: Ronja Glesczinsky, Oliver Raszewski, Johannes Schuchardt
Costume Design: Birgit Strasser-Ney
Funded by Kulturamt Steglitz-Zehlendorf/Dezentrale Kulturarbeit
Tickets: 13 € / 11 €
Tickets under info@tanztangente.de or 030 / 43 777 864.
next performances: 1. 9. / 7. 9. / 8. 9. / 5. 10. / 6. 10. 2018 at 19.30 pm