Friday 10th September, from 5.30 pm to 20.30 pm
Saturday 11th September, from 11 am to 5 pm
Sunday 12th September, from 11 am to 2 pm
After a long period of severe restrictions and isolation, we can finally shorten the distance and return to re-meet through the essentiality of contact. An opportunity to dive into the practice of Play-Fight developed by Bruno Caverna, through the personal understanding and experience of Ester Braga and Francesca Romano who have been studying and working within Formless Arts for several years.
The workshop will weave a journey through different exercises, eventually flowing into the free play. Focusing on reawakening awareness upon stored unnecessary tensions and dysfunctional patterns of reactions, we will gradually move beyond the field of mere physicality to embrace all aspects of the being. Only when able to recognise how much tension we accumulate in our system, by releasing, we can transform the tension into real power. “Stop doing” allows the body to re-function organically and efficiently, while the mind starts interfering less and less at each step we take.
Through the other, with the other, we can flow, embrace the challenge, discover further about who we are not; eventually embodying a state of non-resistance, towards ourselves first.
Main Topics:
falling as a state of being
gravity practice
non-resistance quality
preserving structural integrity
connection, with or without the physical contact
work with and through fears
confrontation & collaboration
play as inherent fundamental quality
More info on the practice and its history: play-fight.com
first 7 places at a reduced price € 110
normal price € 130
Limited places: 20 participants
*SPECIAL OFFER: Book together with ‚The body doesn’t lie‘ Workshop: 240 €
The registration is only binding when the participation fee has been received on our account.
registration and Info under info@tanztangente.de
The Facilitators:
Ester Braga – Her background of experiences and interests mainly interconnects intensive training in contemporary dance and floor-work, contact improvisation, instant composition, with her later studies into yoga, postural and somatic practices. She met Bruno Caverna in 2014, first through Liquid Body, later through Play-Fight; a mind-blowing encounter which since then has been at the foundation of her journey, in life and profession. Ester currently works as manager for Formless Arts and as Play-Fight Facilitator while consistently following workshops and events, aware of navigating through a life-long journey of challenging, yet revealing body-mind explorations and uplifting interactions. At the moment she is also deepening her research in the line between Play-Fight & Contact Improvisation and integrating her important experience in the Yoga panorama within Formless Arts activities, connecting the approach from the very essence of Formless Arts philosophy.
Francesca Romano – She started her studies in dance and movement when she was a child. Over the years she went through Artistic Gymnastics, modern and contemporary dance, contact improvisation, dance theatre, performing arts studying and working with many dancers and movement researchers. In 2005 she graduated at the School of Drama Paolo Grassi (Milan).
She works as a dance and movement teacher, performer and choreographer. Since 2013 she has expanded her research approaching yoga and martial arts having so far a deeper experience and knowledge about connection between body, mind and inner space. This movement field was a point of revolution for her studies and she started to follow this path, researching more and more what’s beyond definitions, trying to always be in a state of openness typical of the “beginner mind”. It was in 2015 that she approached the work of Bruno Caverna during a Play-Fight workshop. From that moment she started to follow this practice constantly, finding in its tools important points of inspiration, new ways to approach movement and life, new ways to connect with the others and herself. As member of Formless Arts team she supports the realization of specific projects and works as Play-Fight facilitator.