through WALLS

New youth production of the TanzTangente
on 13.12.2019 at 8 pm
Do you know the feeling that you have made something firmly and then driven it really against the wall? How much do you think about it? Do you regret your act? Is prison a sensible punishment?
Based on these and other questions, six young dancers discuss the issue of prison and get their thoughts moving.
The research for WALLS took place in the form of workshops among others in the prison for women in Pankow and Lichtenberg – movements, poems, drawings and songs of the imprisoned women were processed in WALLS.The project EXCHANGE THROUGH WALLS is funded by the German Children’s Fund e.V.Choreography: Johanna Jörns and Camilla Przystawski
Creation and Dance: Franziska Engstler, Carlotta Gessler, Borbála Blanka Sándor, Paula Schasiepen, Ella Schlotbohm, Ella Umstätter
Based on these and other questions, six young dancers discuss the issue of prison and get their thoughts moving.
The research for WALLS took place in the form of workshops among others in the prison for women in Pankow and Lichtenberg – movements, poems, drawings and songs of the imprisoned women were processed in WALLS.The project EXCHANGE THROUGH WALLS is funded by the German Children’s Fund e.V.Choreography: Johanna Jörns and Camilla Przystawski
Creation and Dance: Franziska Engstler, Carlotta Gessler, Borbála Blanka Sándor, Paula Schasiepen, Ella Schlotbohm, Ella Umstätter
Due to limited space we ask for reservation under: info@tanztangente.de or 030 43 777 864.
Admission on donation basis