movement workshop mit Francesca Romano
Sunday, 6.12. von 11-14 Uhr
The work is a journey through the four elements (earth, water, fire and air) and we will play together using the language of fighting. Each element contains in its nature different qualities of movement related to particular energies and specific emotions, all already present in our being. They will lead us to connect, move and play alone or with the others from different perspectives and sources. Using the language of fighting we will awake awareness in our bodies and inner states in order to acknowledge them and to act from a point of consciousness. Through different exercises and games coming from martial arts, movement practices and contact improvisation we will explore ourselves with the support of a partner and the support of the group.
FRANCESCA ROMANO started her studies in dance and movement since she was a child with Artistic Gymnastics and modern dance. In 2005 she graduated at the School of Drama Paolo Grassi (Milan) where she studied Dance theatre, contemporary dance, choreography. Over the years she continued her researches on dance and movement through different approaches like Contact Improvisation, Release, Improvisation and Martial Arts meeting beautiful teachers that inspired her to go on and go deeper in her studies. Since 2013 she approached some practices based on Martial Arts (Khala Yoga with Diego Prodi – Indio – from Italy and Play Fight with Bruno Caverna) that changed completely her perception of movement and since that moment she started to look for more clear and deep connections between body mind and energy. She works as free-lancer as performer, mover/dancer, choreographer and teacher. She is now collaborating in the team organization and as facilitator of the Play-Fight practice with FormlessArts and with the Khala Yoga Association.
Cost: 130 €, reduced 110 €
Information and registration at:
info@tanztangente.de oder 030 43 777 864