Workshop withMario Najorka, master 5.Dan Taekwondo of the martial arts school Neukölln and Johannes Schuchardt, dancer and choreographer in Urban Styles / Contemporary
on 16.11.2019 from 12-17 o’clock in the TanzTangente
This workshop combines taekwondo and dance approaches to a unique blend. If you feel like moving with a lot of energy and dynamism, then you’re in the right place. There are no limits to your creativity. Open to fighters and dancers with basic movement experience. Participation on donation basis.
Registration and information: info@tanztangente.de or 030 43 777 864
on 16.11.2019 from 12-17 o’clock in the TanzTangente
This workshop combines taekwondo and dance approaches to a unique blend. If you feel like moving with a lot of energy and dynamism, then you’re in the right place. There are no limits to your creativity. Open to fighters and dancers with basic movement experience. Participation on donation basis.
Registration and information: info@tanztangente.de or 030 43 777 864