Dance Workshop with Johanna Jörns and Camilla Przystawski
7.2.2020 from 10-14 o’clock
Flying, catching, carrying, manipulating – this workshop is open for everyone, who wants to get moved and have fun physically and creatively. We experiment with different principles of partnering in the group and as a couple, learn movement sequences and create own partnering material.
Camilla and Johanna are working as freelance dancers, dance educators and choreographers in Berlin and internationally. As a choreographic team, they have been running TanzTangente’s youth company since 2015.
The workshop is open to all curious with and without previous knowledge
Price: erm. 40€ / 55€
Early bird bis 12. January 2020: 10% discount on the basic price
Registration under info@tanztangente.de or 030 437778647