a terribly magic evening with fire spectacle, storytelling and dance
fire spektacle and performance
Playing with light and shadows, weights, bridges of time.
Composition for body, sound, sculpture and light.
Performance: Annelie Andre, Sunia Asbach, Matthias Buhrow, Dominique Dell’Oro
Conzept / Director: Matthias Buhrow
Duration: ca. 25 minutes
Jason und Medea
Storytelling & Dance
The story of the king’s daughter Medea from far-off Kolchis is embedded in a network of power relations, thus inextricably entangled in murder, intrigue, betrayal.
Medea is the stranger who is left by her husband Jason and therefore left alone without protection in a foreign culture. Infanticide – what is behind it? Who is to blame for this crime? Medea is beyond the common categories with which we design today’s femininity images. Until today she casts a spell on us.
Storytelling: Kristin Wardetzky
Performance: Nadja Raszewski, Johannes Schuchardt
Music: Spencer Schäfer
Tickets: 11 € / 13 €
under info@tanztangente.de oder 030 43777864