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sight specific Workshop-Intervention with DIE KOMPANIE
8.2.2019 from 12 – 15 o´clock
Space as a flowing process. Public space as a constant interplay, defined by possible relationships between architecture, history, objects, body, movement and social norms. The workshop aims to question and redefine space through performative actions. What happens if movement does not adapt to the architecture? When the body becomes an object or when social norms are misplaced? We want to explore this together and carry out an intervention in public space.
Open to all interested from 12 years, no movement experience needed.
The Workshop is for free
Workshop by DIE KOMPANIE
Diwali Hasskan, Franziska Maling, Henna-Elise Selkälä, Iyas Sari, Jana Vos, Jobina Diez, Leandra Balliel, Leonie Baur, Mika Clemens, Omar Alshaer, Therry Kornath
Duration: 3 h (2 h Workshop, 1 h Intervention)