Kunst/Sound/Dance – interactive Art exhibition
Vernissage: 10.10. 2020
1. Performance: 18-19.30 Uhr
2. Performance: 20-21.30 Uhr
Finissage: 24.10.2020
1. Performance: 18-19.30 Uhr
2. Performance: 20-21.30 Uhr
Tickets: 8 € / ermäßigt 6 €
Exhibition opening times:
October 12-22, 2020, Tuesdays and Thursdays from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.,
further appointments can also be arranged by telephone
The art and sound installation TRANSIT is an extraordinary collaboration between the visual artist Oliver Raszewski and the musician / composer Michael Gould. To 240 pictures, some of which Michael Gould composed 240 sounds which, in varying combinations, fill the room with atmosphere.
The two artists share a common German-American history, which they make visible in this project. That makes the exhibition a highly topical art event, a testimony to our time.
For the vernissage and the finissage, a total of 14 dancers from all over Berlin will perform to the images and sounds under the direction of choreographer Nadja Raszewski.
Oliver Raszewski · visual artist, was born in West Berlin in 1962 in the “american sector” and now lives in Lausitz. His work shows through the aesthetic reflection of the service and media society. The fact that in the age of electronic image generation our living environment is increasingly shaped by abstract and virtual patterns makes the distinction between „objective = real“ and „abstract = virtual“ no longer possible. Everything can be real right away. Coming from painting, Raszewski has also been working with technical means such as computers and computer-aided manufacturing technologies, which have triggered rapid social restructuring in the last few decades, since the late 1980s. That is why he is considered a pioneer of “digital art” – “the medium is the message”.
Michael Gould · Musician and composer, is Professor of Music at the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor, and is internationally recognized as a performer and scholar in the field of percussion and contemporary percussion performance. He is a faculty member of the Department of Jazz and Contemporary Improvisation at the School of Music, Theater & Dance and Residential College of the University of Michigan. He is currently the director of the Center for World Performance Studies.
Dancers: Leonie Ahmer, Sunia Asbach, Lea Svenja Dietrich, Friederike Erhart, Lioba Kaszemeik, Jarmilla Lee Lou Kuznik, Natalia Langidou, Ella Schlotbohm, Selina Menzel, Camilla Przystawski, Johannes Schuchardt, Luis Stängl,
Since we can only invite a maximum of 20 people per performance for known reasons, we ask you to register for the desired time as soon as possible. The registration is only binding once we have received payment for the ticket.
Registrations at: 030/43777864 or info@tanztangente.de
Office hours: Monday – Thursday: 3pm – 6pm